Week 1:
Week 1 - Integrated Education: Language Arts
Coming into Dance class, for the first time, I definitely had some fear/ anxiety associated with the fact that it was (Dance Class). Once in class, I quickly relaxed and got over this anxiety very quickly. In the past I have taken 1 course in Dance in University, where we went over the exploration of movement (locomotion); jump, walk, run, leap, gallop hop, skip, slide, and roll. We also talked about the different levels these movements can take place (high, medium, low).
Strategy Used:
The first dance strategy that we explored was creating songs to our names. We went over the syllables used within our name, and exploring them physically. This was a great way to get the students off their feet, and a great ice breaker for a first class.
We explored the various Elements of Dance:
Coming into Dance class, for the first time, I definitely had some fear/ anxiety associated with the fact that it was (Dance Class). Once in class, I quickly relaxed and got over this anxiety very quickly. In the past I have taken 1 course in Dance in University, where we went over the exploration of movement (locomotion); jump, walk, run, leap, gallop hop, skip, slide, and roll. We also talked about the different levels these movements can take place (high, medium, low).
Retrieved from: https://image.slidesharecdn.com/danceelements-130612230613-phpapp01/95/dance-elements-10-638.jpg?cb=1371078564 |
The first dance strategy that we explored was creating songs to our names. We went over the syllables used within our name, and exploring them physically. This was a great way to get the students off their feet, and a great ice breaker for a first class.
We explored the various Elements of Dance:
- Body (Body awareness)
- Space (Levels, pathways)
- Time (Pause, freeze)
- Energy (Effort, force)
- Relationship (Dancers to objects)
The strategy that we explored as a whole class was an ABA movement pattern, where a movement would be done, a different movement would be done after, and ending off with repeating the original movement. What I liked about this strategy was that you only needed to remember two different movement patterns, because the first movement would be repeated at the end. This strategy was directly integrated into the grade 7 curriculum of A.1 - Creating a Presenting. Students had to create a dance piece, responding to the music being played.
- A1.1 create dance pieces to represent or respond to specific rhythms and pieces of music
- A1.2 use dance as a language to communicate ideas from their own writing or media works
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